Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a bit of gardening. Some hardy plants are primed to enhance your landscape – all you need is a little ingenuity. For example, in a few weeks, Mountain Snow™ Pieris will begin to bloom in all its glory. Why not create a border that will capitalize on its cold-hardiness and brighten your outdoor view? Since it’s still too cold this year to plant in the ground, I’ve devised another method.
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How to create a quick and savvy border:
Step 1: Drill six small holes in the bottom of each galvanized container for drainage. Be sure to use a bit appropriate for galvanized metal.
Step 2: Align the containers in the desired location and fill with soil.
Step 3: Remove each Mountain Snow™ Pieris from its original container. Loosen the roots before planting.
Step 4: Plant two Mountain Snow™ Pieris side-by-side in each galvanized container.
These tiny buds are about to be transformed into blooms. I can assure you it’s worth planting the Mountain Snow™ Pieris now, as it makes for a delightful early-spring show. Plus, the blooms are perfect for centerpieces.
You now have a lovely, seasonal border from one simple weekend project. And, once temperatures rise, you may plant these beauties in the ground for year-after-year of early-spring displays