The plant world is bursting with surprises. A few years ago, I wouldn’t have considered planting a privet in my garden. But, ‘Sunshine’ Ligustrum is nothing like the unruly privets of old! Altogether different, ‘Sunshine’ is flowerless, making it sterile and allergen-free. Sunshine’s appeal is simple – it offers brilliant golden foliage all year long. What more can a gardener desire than a constant source of color with which to design?
Here are five ways to put ‘Sunshine’ Ligustrum to work in your landscape.
1. Plant a natural hedge
‘Sunshine’ Ligustrum has a dense, upright form perfect for establishing a hedge. Reaching 3 to 6 feet in height, Sunshine reacts well to pruning into a more formal hedge; unpruned plants, when left to grow naturally, create an airy hedgerow of loosely curving stems.
2. Add an eye-catching pop of color
Whether planted singly or repeated throughout a planting, ‘Sunshine’ creates a striking accent in the garden. The golden-hued foliage stands out because it brings both contrast and warmth to a predominantly green landscape.
3. Shape it up
Like other ligustrums, the dense branching and foliage of ‘Sunshine’ take well to pruning and shaping. Let your creative energy flow as you prune ‘Sunshine’ into topiary forms. Try a single globe or ball, square it into a cube, or remove the lower branches to create a low standard. Larger plantings may also be clipped into a tidy, shaped hedge.
4. Plant vibrant containers
Thanks to its easily pruned habit, ‘Sunshine’ Ligustrum performs well in containers. For contrast in both texture and color, pair ‘Sunshine’ with the coarse foliage of ‘Orange Rocket’ Barberry. Another great companion is Purple Pixie® Loropetalum. All of these combinations provide year-round color.
5. Create a warm welcome
What is more inviting than a wave of golden ‘Sunshine?’ Plant in mass near the front door to welcome visitors all year. For a bold statement, create a line of golden foliage leading straight to the front door, either by weaving ‘Sunshine’ throughout the entryway planting beds or lining the walkway with a golden edging. For a dynamic planting, pair with blues and purples. ‘Sunshine’ also stands out against a dark green backdrop.