We love to dress up ourselves and our tailgates to show off our team spirit.
We pride ourselves in sharing our favorite recipes and ideas with friends and family.
Whether you’re a Georgia Tech fan or you pull for the Auburn tigers, I’ll share with you below how to create a game day container for your team with fun flare from the Southern Living Plant Collection!
How to make a purple and gold inspired container:
Container Preparation:
Step 1: Fill your tub halfway full with packing peanuts. Tip: always choose a lightweight container that’s easy to carry and also serves a dual purpose.
Step 2: Keep plants in their individual containers. Place kalanchoe in the center towards the back, then place 1 ‘Soft Caress’ Mahonia on each side. Next, fill the front of your container with violas.
Tip: use your team colors as palette when choosing your plants
Step 3: Angle the flowers forward and tuck plastic below the rim of the container. Don’t be afraid to stuff and shove!
Step 4: Clip long stems of purple kale. Use these clippings to conceal plastic and gaps in your container.
Step 5: Fill in with game day pom poms, team flags & pennants
How to make a gold inspired container:
Container prep:
Step 1: Keep plants in their individual containers. Place Jubilation™ Gardenia towards the back and ‘Soft Caress’ Mahonia to the right of the gardenia.
Step 2: Next, place the viola in front of the gardenia and the snapdragon to the left of thegardenia.
Step 3: Soak moss in water for two minutes, then nestle and tuck moss around the top of the container.
How to make an orange and blue inspired container:
Container prep:
Step 1: Keep Flirt™ Nandina in the center of the container and place in the center of the bucket.
Step 2: Remove violas or pansies from the six packs and place them on each side of the Flirt™ Nandina Mix and match both white and blue pansies. No need to plant because the pansies create a full and fussy look.
Step 3: Add game day stickers or magnets to your galvanized bucket for a fun twist.
Don’t see your favorite team listed?
Tell us your favorite team and plant combination for that team, and we’ll create it!
After the game, break apart your container and share plants with your friends and family. Better yet, keep them all for yourself and reuse on your back porch or plant in the garden.
Happy tailgating and don’t forget to send pictures of your tailgate centerpiece!